
【徵件公告】國立成功大學 教師EMI自主觀課社群 (EMI Teacher Self-Directed Lesson Observation Community)






(一)附件1:國立成功大學113-2學期 教師EMI自主觀課社群申請表。




I. Implementation Guidelines for the Self-Directed Lesson Observation Community

  • Eligibility: A group consisting of 2 to 5 full-time or part-time faculty members of the university may apply. One full-time faculty member must be designated as the convener, responsible for planning and submitting the application for community activities (see 附件1) and serving as the contact person. (Each faculty member may only serve as a convener for one community group.)
  • Implementation Timeline: Applications are open immediately and will be reviewed on a rolling basis. The project period runs until June 30, 2025. All project results must be submitted before the project ends (see 附件 2).
  • Application Review: Applications will be reviewed by the Bilingual Education Office. Please refer to the Teacher EMI Self-Directed Lesson Observation Community Application Form for submission. Upon approval, a detailed budget allocation will be provided for funding authorization purposes.
  • Implementation Requirements: Each community must conduct three activities during the project period, including at least one EMI lesson observation. A record of the community’s activities must be submitted before June 30, 2025.
  • Obligations: Faculty members receiving subsidies must attend at least one EMI teacher professional development workshop during the project period and complete an EMI questionnaire.


II. Funding and Reimbursement

  • Funding will be provided through the Ministry of Education's Bilingual Education Program. All expenditures must comply with the funding usage guidelines of the program and adhere to the university's accounting regulations.
  • Each approved project will receive a subsidy of NT$50,000 from the Ministry of Education’s Bilingual Education Program.
  • Spending Requirement: By the end of June 2025, at least 80% of the allocated funds must be utilized.
  • Unused funds at the end of the project period will be recollected.


III. Required Application Documents

  • Attachment 1: Application Form for EMI Teacher Self-Directed Lesson Observation Community.
  • Attachment 2: EMI Teacher Self-Directed Lesson Observation Community – Activity Record Form.


If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Huang from Beer.c (Ext. 61120*25) or email beer.c@ctld.ncku.edu.tw.
