
113-2學期 EMI TA線上說明會連結 (EMI TA Online Session Links)



下列2場 擇1 參加即可。

◆ EMI TA線上說明會連結:

3/4(二) 12:10-12:40 - https://nckucc.webex.com/nckucc/j.php?MTID=m9d4330bf8904f6eb115a92779234a163

3/5(三) 12:10-12:40 - https://nckucc.webex.com/nckucc/j.php?MTID=m05678477dc16b1ffa03a64b80d17593e



    1. 務必於12:10前進入會議

    2. 線上說明會將於會議中進行簽到



Please attend one of the following two sessions:

◆ EMI TA Online Session Links:

Mar. 4 (Tue.) 12:10-12:40,  Registration Link : https://nckucc.webex.com/nckucc/j.php?MTID=m9d4330bf8904f6eb115a92779234a163
Mar. 5 (Wed.) 12:10-12:40,  Registration Link :  https://nckucc.webex.com/nckucc/j.php?MTID=m05678477dc16b1ffa03a64b80d17593e

Additional Notes:

1. Please make sure to join the meeting before 12:10 PM.
2. Attendance will be recorded during the session.


Thank you for your cooperation!



如有疑問,請洽 06-2757575 #61120-21陳小姐。

If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Chen at 06-2757575 ext. 61120-21.