
【移動力培力架構】-和世界做朋友:Small Talk工作坊


Small Talk,中文會翻作「閒聊;寒暄」,這種寒暄通常出現在西方的社交場合,即使你跟對方不熟,彼此還是會有禮貌地打聲招呼、聊聊一些無關緊要的話題。這在西方是非常常見的,但是對於羞於使用英文的台灣人而言,Small Talk是需要訓練的,因此,雙語教學資源中心特別邀請到Jen Academy的Jen來指導學生如何進行Small Talk,讓你有效又無壓力的和全世界做朋友!

【Mobility Empowerment Framework-Make Friend with the World: Small Talk Workshop】
Small Talk regularly occurs in Western social situations. Even if you are not acquainted with the other person, it is customary to exchange polite greetings and engage in some casual conversation before getting into the business. This practice is quite common in the West. However, for Taiwanese individuals who may feel hesitant to use English, Small Talk requires training. Therefore, BEER.c has invited Jen from Jen Academy to guide you on how to effectively engage in small talk. This guidance aims to help you connect with people from around the world in a relaxed and stress-free manner.
Date: Dec. 14th (Thur.), 2023
Time: 17:30~20:30
Venue: Big Auditorium, Ge-Chi Auditorium, Cheng Kung Campus
Registration Link: https://activity.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?c=apply&no=14046