本次活動邀請到傅爾布萊特團隊的教學人員- Miles Iton分享在跨文化的情境下,表情符號與英語縮寫用語是如何被運用在對話中,以及它們是如何產生,也會一同分享許多梗圖、迷因;在這次的活動中,也會有一場贏者有獎的競賽,歡迎同學來把獎品帶回家!
時間:2023.10.23(一) 17:30~18:30
【EMI Workshop for Students: Txt Talk】
In this workshop, we will learn how cross-cultural communication can work by exchanging different country styles of using emojis, abbreviations and memes. We will also play a large game where the winner will receive a prize!
Date: Oct. 23(MON.), 2023
Time: 17:30-18:30
Lecturer: Miles Iton
Location: Room 5117, 1F of Planning and Design College, Kuang-Fu Campus
Sign-up Web: https://activity.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?c=apply&no=13918