
112學年度第一學期EMI教師增能工作坊#2:Lectures that Work!



活動日期:2023 年 10 月 16 日
時間:11:00 – 13:00
活動地點:光復校區雲平大樓8樓 27802教室
講師簡介:Beth Godley;哥倫比亞大學師範學院英語教學碩士、 ESOL 與健康綜合專案設計師/經理、科威特高級英語語言研究員、夏威夷馬諾大學 EMI 講師、紐約州 ESOL 教師培訓師、紐約市立大學 ESOL 講師。


Workshop Date: October 16, 2023
Time: 11:00 – 13:00
Title: Lectures that Work!
Location: Room 27802, 8F of Yun-Ping Building, Kuang-fu Campus
Brief Description:In this immersive, interactive workshop, participants will experience a lecture and then reflect on the lecture experience. Which approaches used in the lecture worked? Which ones can the participants use in their own lectures?
Presenter: Beth Godley; M.A. Columbia University Teachers College, Program Designer/Manager for Integrative ESOL and Health; Senior English Language Fellow to Kuwait, EMI Instructor University of Hawaii at Manoa; New York State ESOL Teacher Trainer; ESOL Instructor, City University of New York.
Sign-Up Website: https://activity.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?c=apply&no=13874