


活動日期:2023 年 10 月 2 日

活動時間:11:00 – 13:00


活動簡介:教師將學習到如何將相關技巧融入講座中,以促進學生課堂互動,並讓他們參與其中。 這個互動式的實作工作坊將提供一個「實用寶典」,其中包含易於調整的策略,可以將工作坊所學立即付諸實踐於課堂中。

主持人:Valerie Harden;南阿拉巴馬大學教育碩士; AMSTI 教師培訓師; 厄瓜多、摩爾多瓦、墨西哥、哥斯達黎加和美國的 TEFL 講師; 和平工作隊志工(英語教育)。


Workshop Date: October 2, 2023

Time: 11:00 – 13:00

Location: Room26204B, 2F of Foreign Language Center, Kuang-Fu Campus

Title: Active Learning: Strategies for Enhancing Student Engagement in the EMI Classroom

Brief Description: Instructors will learn techniques to incorporate into lectures which promote student engagement and keep them involved.  This interactive, hands-on workshop will provide a “toolbox” of easily adaptable strategies which can be put into practice immediately.

Presenter: Valerie Harden; M.Ed. from University of South Alabama; Teacher Trainer with AMSTI; TEFL instructor in Ecuador, Moldova, Mexico, Costa Rica and the USA; Peace Corps Volunteer (English Education).