


【轉知】#成功大學外語中心Foreign Language Center



  • 課程期程:112年7月17日至112年8月1日,共2場工作坊。
  • 招生對象:對英文口說及簡報能力有需求之博士生及碩士生,博士生優先錄取。
  • 地點:光復校區修齊大樓26205室,
  • 招生人數:每場15人,兩場共招收30人,額滿為止。
  • 上課時段安排:每週兩場工作坊同時進行
  • 各場次日期、報名學苑及報名日期起迄:
    • 第一場工作坊:7/17、7/19、7/24、7/26、7/31。
    • 第二場工作坊:7/18、7/20、7/25、7/27、8/1。



  • Time:17th July to 1st August,2023
    We will offer 2 workshops.Each workshop has 5 sessions,each session takes 3 hours,15 hours in total.
  • Participants:Registered NCKU PhD and MA students who need training in academic English discussion and presentations.Priority is given to PhD students.
  • Location:Room 26205,2F,Hsiu-Chi Building,Kuang-Fu Campus
  • Seats:30 in total.15 seats are offered for each workshop.
  • Course dates,target participants,and rigistration deadline for each workshop:
    • 1st Workshop:from 9:00am to 12:00pm,July 17,19,24,26 & 31
      Target participants:from College of Medicine and College of Bioscience and Biotechnology and from College of Social Science,College of Planning and Design,College of Management and College of Liberal Arts
      Registration from June 12 to June 30
    • 2nd workshop:from 9:00am to 12:00pm,July 18,20,25,27 & August 1
      Target participants:from College of Engineetring,College of Electrical Engineering & Computer Science,and College of Science,from Academy of Innovative Semiconductor and Sustainable Manufacturing & Miin Wu School of Computing
  • Registration Link:https://forms.gle/3D7T7nq1RwpjDbBbA

※These workshops are the same as those workshops held before with the same name.If you had already joined the workshops before,please DO NOT register these workshops again,thank you!